2025 Prep Gyms

  • What is it?

    Prep gym allows the athletes and coaches to get into the gym together prior to team specific practices. Our District Volleyball Liaison, Julianna Cain will teach athletes fundamentals while athletes get to show off their skills. It helps the athlete prepare for the season and helps coaches organize teams.

  • When and Where?

    Paperjack Elementary
    Sunday, February 9th, 16th, 23rd

    Grades 4 & 5 from 6 pm to 7 pm

    Grades 6, 7 & 8 from 7 pm to 8 pm

    Athletes should arrive in athletic clothes with a filled water bottle, bring clean gym shoes to change in to and wear volleyball knee pads (we suggest buying these asap!)

  • The Goal.

    The goal is to give athletes more time in the gym. This allows coaches to form teams based on similar skill level and athletes on each team to learn at a similar level and pace.


    Please wear the following colored shirts to all prep gyms

    4th & 5th grade: any color

    6th grade: BLUE

    7th grade: BLACK

    8th grade: RED